6. Electrical Question & Answer (Points) for Tests / Interview

Ø  The reduction of battery capacity at high rates of discharge is primarily due to the rapid formation of lead sulphate on the cell plates.

Ø  The time taken by an alternating quantity to complete one cycle is called its time period (T). (e.g. 50-Hz alternating current has a time period of 1/50 second)

Ø  The number of cycles/second is known as the frequency of the alternating quantity. Its unit is hertz (Hz).

Ø  The maximum value, positive or negative, of an alternating quantity is known as its amplitude.

Ø  The r.m.s. value of an AC is given by that steady (DC) current which when flowing through a given circuit for a given time produces the same heat as produced by the AC when flowing through the same circuit for the same time.

Ø  For the symmetrical sinusoidal current, r.m.s. value is                         0.707 × maximum value of current.

Ø  The r.m.s. value of a complex current wave is equal to the square root of the sum of the squares of the r.m.s. values of its individual components.

Ø  Average value of current is 0.637 × maximum value of current.

Ø  R.M.S. value is always greater than average value except in the case of a rectangular wave when both are equal.

Ø  Form factor is defined as the ratio of r.m.s value / average value           (i.e. 1.11)

Ø  Vectors are a shorthand for the representation of alternating voltages and currents and their use greatly simplifies the problems in AC work.

Ø  Various forms or methods of representing vector quantities are Symbolic Notation, Trigonometrical Form, Exponential Form and Polar Form.

Ø  Power Factor may be defined as the cosine of the angle of lead or lag.

Ø  Power Factor may be defined as the ratio of resistance / impedance (R/Z).



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