Safety in use of Electrical testing equipments (rated voltages less than 650V) .......5

Precautions before testing
Before testing begins it is essential to establish that the test device including all leads, probes and connectors is suitably rated for the voltages and currents which may be present on the system under test.

Before any testing is carried out ensure that:
(a) The equipment which is to be worked on is safe for the intended tests; and
(b) The working environment does not present additional dangers. These dangers include:
(i) Inadequate space to work safely;
(ii) An insecure footing;
(iii) Insufficient light;
(iv) Potentially flammable gases or vapours;
(v) Explosive or conductive dusts.

Where a test is being made simply to establish the presence or absence of voltage, the preferred method is to use a proprietary test lamp or 2-pole voltage detector suitable for the working voltage of the system rather than a multimeter. Accident history has shown that the use of incorrectly set multimeters or makeshift devices for voltage detection has often caused accidents.

Note: Test lamps and some voltage indicators may fail to danger, eg. a faulty lamp not indicating a live circuit. These devices should be proved before and after use on a known live source of similar voltage to the circuit under test, or alternatively on a portable test source.


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